Typhoon Basyang came to town hardly announced and surprised everyone. It came unexpected and its path and strength caught a lot of people by surprise.
It signaled its entry at midnight by wiping out the power lines in the entire Luzon grid. Communication lines like hand phones, FB etc were compromised too and the only thing left that kept us abreast with what was going on was a small Philips winding radio.
As everything seemed to be calm in spite of the black out, we decided to retire.
Two (2) hours later, we were awakened by whirling winds. The strong winds whistled loudly as if to warn every one of an onslaught. The roof of our house shooked as we all waited helplessly for an eventuality.
The rains poured hard and sifted through every possible opening in the house. We tied the windows, mopped the floors and did everything to minimize every possible damage that this wrath of nature can do. Afterwards, we could only hope and pray.
After 4 hours, the havoc stopped. At around 4 am, nature finally gave us some rest. The sun shone timidly in the morning and I saw its gentle rays touching my youngest son's face. I took this shot.
Now we go back and rebuild what nature took away.